Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sept. 11, 2016 is 15 years after a day I hope we do not forget.  I believe we are part of a great nation and with Sept. 11 and Sept 17. Constitution day just a week away, I would like to share 2 books with you that are great teaching tools for both of these historical days.  Each year the Librarian/Media Specialists of S.I.S.D. have a reading incentive to promote the same book throughout our schools.  These two books are the books we are promoting this year.  Both books show heart around horrific tragedy.  
14 Cows for America shows how an attack on one nation affects people from many nations.  It also shows how the compassion of one nation can be spread to other nations as well. I hope to use this book to show the care and sacrifice of others can bring comfort to someone not expecting it. While this book is elementary picture book, all grades could utilize.
Nine, Ten is also an account of the heart involved in tragedy.  Nora Baskin shows very well how children are also affected by adult problems.  This book points out that life was just going on day to day, when the lives of school children was suddenly changed in a matter of minutes.  As I read the book, I was reminded of when I was a child… I remember exactly where I was when the principal of Edwin J. Kiest Elementary School in Dallas Texas came on the intercom and said President Kennedy had been shot. This book is for middle school and up, however I believe elementary teachers could use it as a read aloud.
I hope we always keep that in mind when we are with children, what we think they may not even be aware of, it may have a vivid impact on their life~
14 Cows for America by Carmen Agra Deedy
Bibliography Deedy, Carmen Agra. 14 Cows to America. Atlanta:Peach Tree

Nine, ten by Nora Raleigh.
Baskin, Nora Raleigh. Nine, Ten: A September 11 Story. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2016. Print.