Thursday, October 24, 2013

With the new release of one of Bashful Book Bee’s favorite series, this week’s book of the week is Pete The Cat and His Magic Sunglasses by Kimberly and James Dean. Pete’s story is a collaborative effort with Pete the Cat illustrator James Dean and his wife Kimberly. 
The original four Pete the Cat books were created by author Eric Litwin and James Dean as illustrator. 

·         Pete the Cat I love My White Shoes

·         Pete the Cat Rockin in My School Shoes

·         Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons

·         Pete the Cat Saves Christmas

The Pete the Cat series originated with James pet, a little black cat. Jame’s love of this little cat, and his love of art, have ballooned into quite a creative series.

 James has created another series around his little black cat….his holiday series…

·         Pete the Cat, The First Thanksgiving

·         Pete The Cat Big Easter Adventure

·         Pete the Cat Valentine’s Day is Cool

James also has Pete’s song books

·         Pete the Cat Wheels on the Bus

·         Pete the Cat Old MacDonald Had a Farm

James has even now started writing Pete books, that are part of the “I Can Read” series….

·         Pete at the Beach

·         Pete’s Big Lunch

·         Play Ball

·         Too Cool for school

If readers visit Pete’s publisher’s web site, teachers will find all kinds of down loads to accompany lessons with the books.

 What can Bashful say except… “Read Pete….he’s groovy”

For more information and comments, please email us at Remember when teachers order, they receive 15% off cover price.

Bashful Book Bee "BEELIEVE'S" in sharing the love of books and reading with everyone. But her primary goal is to introduce books to children, teachers, educators, parents and grandparents.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

This week’s “BEELOVED” book of the week is in recognition of
“Texas Digital Citizenship Week.”  Educators across the state of Texas will be engaging students, teachers and families in your community to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly online.  To provide teachers with a great book to support internet critical thinking, Bashful Book Bee is recommending Toni Buzzeo’s book
“But I Read It On The Internet.”  In the creative style that Ms. Buzzeo uses with her writing and pictures, Mrs. Skorupski…the librarian shows students and other educators how to critique information, whether it is a book or an internet site.  The pictures are colorful and the story line is captivating.  The book presents great insight on whether or not a book is true and how to know if a web site is credible.  The book even presents a great chart for readers to use on how to evaluate a web site. 

Bashful’s other recommendation this week is a series of books to promote good habits in kids. Sean Covey has written the 7 Habits of Happy kids…. Book 1: Be Proactive: You’re in Charge… Book 2: Begin With the End in Mind: Have a Plan…    Book 3: Put First Things First: Work First, Then Play… Book 4: Think Win-Win: Everyone Can Win… Book 5:  Seek First to Understand: Listen Before You Talk…     Book 6:  Synergize: Together Is Better… Book 7: Sharpen the Saw: Balance Feels Best…                                and yes Sean is Stephen Covey’s sonJ


Bashful Book Bee "BEELIEVE'S" in sharing the love of books and reading with everyone. But her primary goal is to introduce books to children, teachers, educators, parents and grandparents.

For more information and comments, please email us at
Remember when teachers order books from “The Peppermint Pig” they will receive 15% off cover price when they mention Bashful Book Bee.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

 This week Bashful Book Bee has found several sweet books for children. I would recommend all of them highly.  However, my “beeloved” book of the week is….


Glasswings, a butterfly’s story by Elisa Kleven

This sweet story introduces readers to a species of butterflies that most people will not know exists… that being a Glasswing butterfly..  These fragile creatures can be found in Central and South America. Because of their translucent wings, they are nearly invisible.  The art work in this book is beautiful.  The story however brings the element of love of family to its creation. The story then has an added twist by taking our character Claire on a scary trip away from her family.  However her new friends, an ant, ladybug, and pigeon, acclimate her to her new environment and help her survive.  The story further educates readers by teaching them how each of these creatures helps in the pollination process, natural pest control, and soil circulation… to help promote plant growth.  The story provides a happy ending (which Bashful Book Bee thinks is a must) by bringing her family to her new home. Bashful Book Bee believes all readers will love this story and pictures.

Other great read selections for this week are:

·         Millie and the Big Rescue by Alexander Steffensmeier-Great farm story, combining hide and seek, friendships of the farm animals, a woman farmer, and encouragement to take new looks at our homes.

·         Gabby by Joyce Grant-Is a fun silly story about alphabets and beginning word sounds, with great lesson suggestions for teachers in the back of the book.

·         When I was little by Jamie Lee Curtis-another of Ms. Curtis’s sweet stories. Simple words that tell a tale from the perspective of a preschooler on how things were when “she was little.”

·         Pirates love underpants by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort…. What can I say... a silly story, but a definite win win for little boys… Pirates and underpants, they will love it. 


Bashful Book Bee "BEELIEVE'S" in sharing the love of books and reading with everyone. But her primary goal is to introduce books to children, teachers, educators, parents and grandparents.

 For more information and comments, please email us at Remember when teachers order, they receive 15% off cover price.



Thursday, October 3, 2013

This week Bashful Book Bee has found a series that will be great teaching tools.

The Animal Fairy Tales by Charlotte Guillain, are not only fun stories, but great lesson resources.  The author takes fairy tales and replaces the main characters with animals.  The rest of the story is very similar to the original fairy tales, but with the change in main characters a new story evolves. Teachers will be able to use the stories as great compare and contrast tools, as a foundation for fairy tale lessons, and even history lessons.  Each book tells the traditional fairy tale, but the new lead character creates new stories and at the end of each book the author provides the history of each original fairy tale.  As much as young children love animals, they will love these stories. 

·         Goldiclucks and the Three Bear… instead of a little Golden haired girl, we have a little gold chicken

·         Kitten who cried Dog…instead of a boy who cried wolf, we have a kitten who cries dog

·         Little Red Riding Duck… instead of a little brown haired girl, we have a little duck

·         Pandarella…instead of a young maiden, we have a Panda

·         Poodle and the pea…instead of a Princess, we have a poodle


For more information and comments, please email us at Remember when teachers order, they receive 15% off cover price.

Bashful Book Bee "BEELIEVE'S" in sharing the love of books and reading with everyone. But her primary goal is to introduce books to children, teachers, educators, parents and grandparents.